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When you are on an item page, click the button. Once the transaction is complete, the item will transfer to your wallet and the seller will receive the funds. You can return to your profile and click the Collected tab to see your newly purchased NFT. You will need a Metamask wallet and a little MATIC cryptocurrency to pay for the purchase.

Click Make offer on the item page. You will need enough MATIC in your metamask wallet to complete the transaction. To finish the purchse you will need to signoff on the transaction in your metamask wallet.

One of the unique benefits of NFTs is the ability to track every transaction on the blockchain. Every NFT has an owner, creator, and history, and this information or "provenance" is verifiable on-chain. Each item page has a Details section where you can verify details about the contract used to create it. is the goto website to track Polygon and Matic transactions.

There are four common errors you might encounter with failed transactions. You can view your transaction on and check the Status row to see why the transaction failed.

Reverted: this is the most common error when purchasing an NFT.

The failure refers to the loss of the transaction (gas) fee, not the value of the item you attempted to purchase. In this situation, it’s usually the person who paid the most gas who will get to buy the item. This can happen if multiple users are attempting to purchase the same item at the same time.

Dropped and Replaced: this means the transaction was dropped and replaced by a new one.

Out of gas: this occurs when the gas limit of your transaction was set too low. Default gas limit settings for transactions are automatically calibrated on crypto wallets like Metamask. Changing these gas limit settings may increase the chances of a failed transaction.

There are a variety of safe Digital Wallets. Please refer to the Digital Wallet's page for a complete list. We have standarized on using Metamask as our wallet provider.

NFT Trading Cards™ gets paid when your NFT card sells. We do NOT collect any fees for the account setup. We may choose to charge a royalty fee for using the card creator tool. The NFT Trading Cards™ marketplace charges a transactional fee of 1 to 3 percent and a flat fee for minting the cards.

Please report any incident to us so we can track down the problem. Please send all inquiries to

If you forget your password, use the password reset button on the login screen. There you can reset your pssword and Secret Word. Never, ever give your password to anyone. NFT Trading Cards™ will NEVER ask for your account infomation or password.

If you wish to close your account you can do so at anytime by logging in and using the cancel my account feature in the navigation bar.
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