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Content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of other individuals, including copyright, may be removed for violating our Terms of Service.
Pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), NFT Trading Cards™ maintains a notice and takedown process for alleged copyright infringement. In accordance with this U.S. federal law, NFT Trading Cards™ allows users to report content if they believe that it violates their copyright. To request that a collection or item be taken down because you believe that it violates your copyright, please submit a ticket here.
Art is a powerful tool for challenging authority and bringing awareness to social issues. As a platform for artists, we want to provide people with the freedom to express themselves in a way that is thoughtful and provocative.
While hurtful, distasteful, or insensitive content has, unfortunately, become common, we believe words and imagery cross the line when they become abusive, threatening, or otherwise incites hate.
We aim to display the broadest possible view of NFT content available on the blockchain. While we do not have the ability to “delete” content from the blockchain, when we see content on NFT Trading Cards™ that violates our policies or could do real-world harm, we take the most aggressive action available to us—we delist the content so that it is inaccessible on our site and ban the violating account.
NFT Trading Cards™ is a self-serve, peer-to-peer marketplace, which means anyone can create and sell an NFT using NFT Trading Cards.
Our User Safety team actively monitors the platform and removes fraudulent content as soon as it is discovered or reported by users. This includes content that may infringe on the rights of others or otherwise violates our Terms of Service.
When you make a report, our team reviews the collection to determine if it violates our Terms of Service and takes the appropriate action. Your ticket will be closed at that point, and you may not hear back from us directly due to high volumes. If you do not hear back from us, please know that we appreciate your help in making NFT Trading Cards a secure marketplace.
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