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Start with the Sign In button on the top navigation. There you can create an account and start your journey.

Once you have logged in you will be presented with a category dropdown menu. If your category isn't on the list, let us know and we can add it.

Use the "Explore " or Collections" navigation button on top. There you can search for and either buy or bid on an item.

We take care of the minting for you. Once you are ready and your card is ready for mintiing, use the "Cards Ready for Minting"" button in your account to start the process.

Our marketplace uses the Polygon blockchain and MATIC as the Native cyptocurrency.

There are a variety of safe Digital Wallets. Please refer to the Digital Wallet's page for a complete list. We have standarized using the Metamask Wallet for our platform.

NFT Trading Cards™ gets paid when your NFT card sells. We do NOT collect any fees for the account setup. We may choose to charge a royalty fee for using the card creator tool. The NFT Trading Cards™ marketplace charges a transactional fee of 1 to 3 percent and a flat fee for minting the cards.

Please report any incident to us so we can track down the problem. Please send all inquiries to

If you forget your password, use the password reset button on the login screen. There you can reset your password and secret word. Never, ever give your password to anyone. NFT Trading Cards™ will NEVER ask for your account infomation or password.

Ethereum Gas - is what users pay to process transactions or use smart contracts on the Ethereum network. Ethereum gas is denominated in gwei, short for gigawei, with one gwei equal to one billionth of an ETH. Ethereum gas fees can only be paid in Ethereum's native token, Ether (ETH).

Partner Royalty % - This royalty is paid to NFT Trading Cards™ partners

Card Creator Use Fee % - This fee is paid by the original/seller/creator to for the use of the card creator tool

NFT Marketing Royalty % - This royalty is paid to

Original Creator Royalty % - This royalty is paid to original creator of the card

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